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Check out how investment-ready you are? Take this 5-minute quiz to know the answer.
What is your name?
What is your email?
Is your startup incorporated yet?
This applies whether you have incorporated in Egypt or in an off-shore zone (i.e., ADGM, Netherlands, Delaware...)
What is your company type?Please SelectLimited Liability Company (LLC)Limited Partnership Company (LPC)Joint-Stock Company (JSC)Simplified Joint-Stock Company (SJSC)Unlimited Liability Company (ULC)1 Person Joint-Stock Company (JSC)1 Person Simplified Joint-Stock Company (SJSC)1 Person Limited Liability Company (LLC)Company branch
Did you start the process of registering your trademark or software or app?
We understand that registering a trademark takes time in Egypt (usually one year). If you already started the process, answer yes to this question.
Do you have terms and conditions on your website/app?YesNo
Do you have a privacy policy on your website/app?YesNo
Do you have employment agreements for your employees?YesNo
Do you have a template agreement for your service/product?YesNo
If you raised funds, how did your raise your first round?
If you did not raise funds yet, choose the answer that you will implement in the future.
If you did not raise funds yet, choose the answer that you will implement in the future.Priced (Equity) Round
Do you have a cap table for all of your stakeholders?YesNo
Have you hired a lawyer, an auditor, and a tax advisor?YesNo